Rtanj Hiking
Rtanj still represents a phenomenon that attracts more and more tourists, scientists, mountaineers, and hikers each year. It’s one of the most popular hiking trails in Serbia.
”Rtanj mountain is well known, mystical place in Serbia. The three-sided pyramid, almost the right shape, makes the Rtanj mountain unique.”
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According to a legend, the castle of a wizard was situated on the top of the mountain, in which a great treasure was guarded.
Nowadays, there are ruins of a little chapel on the peak dedicated to St. George.
It was built in 1932 by the Minh family. After her husband Julius committed suicide, Greta Minh decided to build an orthodox chapel on the top of the mountain.
Today, the chapel is in ruins, as it was partly destroyed by dynamite when treasure hunters tried to find the hidden gold in the mid of ’90s
For some New Age believers, the pyramidal shape of the mountain is due to it containing an alien pyramid emitting mystical energies.
Many people have flocked here prior to the predicted Mayan Doomsday, believing it will protect them.

Everybody who has visited this mountain at least once, claims that they felt some mysterious energy, that the air smells diffrently and that the nature looks unreal. Some of them even claim that they have been cured by the famous “Rtanj tea” and the others have found their peace there.